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Màn hình HMI V810C – V810CD Hakko - Fuji 10,4 inch

Mr Hậu: 0906 268 498 Bán màn hình cảm ứng HMI V810C – V810CD Hakko - Fuji 10,4 inch. Giá toàn quốc. Công ty TNHH DACO.
Model: V810C – V810CD Hakko - Fuji

V810C – V810CD Hakko - Fuji
V810C – V810CD Hakko - Fuji

Thông số kỹ thuật:
Technical data:

V810C – V810CD
Display specifications
Screen memory
Display device
TFT color LCD
Resolution W:H(dots)
Display size
10.4 inches
65,536 colors (without blinks) / 32,768 colors (with blinks)
Backlight life *5
About 50,000 hours
Backlight Auto OFF
Lit in normal (Set by the user)
Power lamp
Lit in normal condition, blinks in alarm condition such as blowout of backlight bulbs
Contrast adjustment
Brilliance control
3 levels (Adjusted into 128 grades by macro command)
Number of characters
80columns × 60 lines
80columns × 30 lines
40columns × 30 lines
Enlargement of characters

X: 1 ~ 8 times   Y: 1 ~ 8 times
Touch switch
Switch resolution
Analog: 1,024×1,024 / Matrix: 50×30
Mechanical life
1 million times or more
Surface treatment
Hard coating, Non glare finish 5%
Function switch
Number of function switches
8 switches
D-Sub 9-pin (CN1)
RS-232C, RS-422/485, Asynchronous type, Data length : 7,8 bits, Parity : even, odd, none,Stop bit : 1,2 bits, Baud rate : 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200,187500*6 bps
Modular 8-pin
 (MJ1/ MJ2)
RS-232C, RS-422/485 (two-wire system), Asynchronous type, Data length : 7,8 bits, Parity : even, odd, none,Stop bit : 1,2 bits, Baud rate : 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200 bps
CF card interface
Compatible with CompactFlashTM
Ethernet *4
Complies with IEEE802.3, Baud rate: 100Mbps, 10Mbps Cable: 100Ω Unsealed twist pair, Category 5, Max length: 100m
Type A, Type B (Ver1.1)
Clock & Back up memory
Coin-type lithium primary battery
Back up memory (SRAM)
Back up period
5 years (Ambient temperature 25 )
Calendar accuracy
Gap±90 sec. per month (Ambient temperature 25 )

Tag:  V810C – V810CD Hakko - Fuji pdf manual datasheet connection catalog.

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